National Growth Exhibition and Conference

来源:商会自媒体发布者:1 发布日期:2016-11-25 18:44


活动时间:2017-03-30    09:00~15:30
活动地点:上海市普陀区Birmingham, United Kingdom 活动费用:收费活动



The Business Growth Show is the UK’s No1 Business Growth Exhibition that offers visitors the opportunity to start and build on relationships with hundreds of local, regional and national businesses. The National Growth Exhibition & Conference in Birmingham and can be defined in a nutshell with the following:

• Up to 100 businesses exhibiting to showcase their services and o er advice and attract new customers

• Over a thousand visitors. Our footfall is always high calibre business decision-makers ranging from decision makers, directors, entrepreneurs, business owners, executives, partners and corporate clients;

• Keynote speakers per show to give your businesses a real insight into their industry and the tools needed to grow your business.

• Pitch the Business in front of the live audience! Present your business to other businesses and change your future. Get an advice and take advantage from the panel`s professional experience.

• Networking Areas are great way for businesses to meet new contacts in a friendly environment.
• Business Advice Clinics one to one advice clinics offering advice to business owners and decision makers from their marketing, accountants, business coaching, SEO, design, legal and much more.
- Workshops/Seminars to give your businesses a real insight into their industry and the tools needed to grow your business.

• Social Media, Show Magazine and Email Marketing opportunities for exhibitors to gain more leads and make more connections at the show.

Use our online show magazine, social media and email marketing to meet new contacts at the show. Start conversations before you arrive at the show by using @BGS_UK & #BGSUK for Twitter or joining our either our Linkedin or Facebook Group “The Business Growth Show”

Why should I attend? 

The event is designed as a platform for businesses to spring from: through quality business suppliers, networking with up to a thousand business owners, decision makers locally and the region. The show is chance for you to gain advice from the experts and learning from our inspirational keynote speakers and informative workshops and seminars. Being non-industry specific show, businesses from all backgrounds find new, inventive ways to help their business grow. Discover new suppliers, reduce costs and gain industry knowledge from our expert exhibitors and speakers. Meet new business contacts through our Open Networking and Speed Networking. Whether it be insight into a prospective venture or hints to improve your current strategies our expert exhibitors and speakers are on-hand to help.

What to Expect?

Keynote Speakers - Workshop/Seminars - Pitch Your Business Idea to Panel of Experts - Exhibitors - Open Networking, Speed Networking, VIP Area - Business Advice Clinics - Prize Draw - Delegate BagsEvent Show Guide, FREE PARKING.

You will need to book early to secure your tickets as delegate tickets are limited.

Would you like to exhibit at the show? CLICK HERE

When you register, you will receive a ticket confirmation email immediately, and a copy of the digital show guide will be emailed to you before the show with full details of the seminar timetable and show features. Your information is safe and secure. Please see our privacy policy for more information.

Please note that the show is a trade only event, no under 18s or students will be allowed into the event. Any visitors found selling to exhibitors or to other visitors will be required to leave. The organiser reserves the right to refuse entry or to insist that any visitor leaves the exhibition for any reason.




