Impact Investing Congress 2017

来源:商会自媒体发布者:1 发布日期:2016-11-25 18:37


活动时间:2017-01-24    09:00~18:30
活动地点:上海市普陀区UBS Konferenzgebäude Grünenhof Nüschelerstrasse 9 8001 Zürich Switzerland 活动费用:收费活动


Impact Investing Congress 2017– The Different Actors on Stage

The constant and fast growth of impact investing during the last few years shows the economic significance this field will have in the future, especially as it continues to attract more capital as well as to offer new opportunities for investment and financial products.

This opens up new possibilities for the development of services where the views and needs of multiple stakeholders are taken into account. It is because of this that, despite the significant challenges ahead for impact investing, the sharing of experiences between the impact investing “pioneers” and the new players is essential to create a strong impact investing field.

This is what the seif Impact Investing Congress 2017 seeks to achieve; to act as a platform for the exchange of knowhow and best practices between key players, and to foster collaboration between the different actors on stage. Attendees are invited to discuss the current situation and the future of impact investing, and to expand their networks with their peers and experts. The aim is to strengthen the ecosystem for its future sustainable development throughout Europe and Switzerland in particular.


Key note Speakers:

Caroline Mason, CEO, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation; Rod Schwartz, CEO, ClearlySo; Antoni Ballabriga, Global Head of Responsible Business, BBVA; and many more

Workshop Streams and Marketplace

If you have any questions or comment, please contact Viola (




