#AnalyticsFair: Data Analytics Career Fair Boston

来源:商会自媒体发布者:1 发布日期:2017-02-10 22:03


活动时间:2017-03-07    18:00~21:00
活动地点:上海市普陀区1 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02109 活动费用:收费活动


Thank you all for showing your support. You made it all possible.

#AnalyticsFair is now World’s first AI backed Data Analytics and Development Career Fair. #AnalyticsFair is a job fair for data, analytics and development professionals backed by our home brewed Machine Learning driven talent sourcers. Our tool(https://TAO.ai) will soon start recommending talent based on your previous hires. Our relationship would not only stay till your successful career fair, but AnalyticsWeek's team would be working closely with participating candidates and recruiters over several programs to help with connecting top talent to top jobs.

Here's the detail on #AnalyticsFair:

Project Name: #AnalyticsFair

Description: World's first AI backed Data Analytic and Development Career Fair

Website: AnalyticsFair.com

Pitch: http://math.im/fairp

Brochure: http://math.im/fairb

Who should participate:

Candidate: Looking for top data analytics and development roles with top data driven companies. As AI is involved to work various candidate profile, we urge candidates from starter to deep experience / leadership roles to apply. If we are not coming to your city yet, apply tohttps://tao.ai so we could still work with you and find your top opportunity within our network. Link: https://tao.ai/c

Recruiters: Looking for top talent from starter to experienced data analytics and development roles? Connect with our team to learn more. Link: https://tao.ai/r

What does participant get?

Candidate: Apply to your city as marked @ http://analyticsfair.com (if you dont see your city, apply @ https://tao.ai/c). Show up at the event and interact with hosted recruiters. Participate in on-site raffle.


  • 1 x Data Analytics Career Fair Booth + #AnalyticsFair pitch slot + Opt-in resume database;
  • 100 FREE job posts on http://hire.analytics.club
  • 1 x FREE hiring from TAOTalent network
  • 1 x Your leader #GetHosted in playbook.data.live leadership podcast
  • 2 x Open office hours (http://analyticshours.com) Logo on website & more…

About @AnalyticsWeek: @AnalyticsWeek: All Things Analytics Platform connected Businesses and Professionals around opportunities with cutting edge data science techniques, tools and technologies. With online platforms and offline programs, @AnalyticsWeek connects data science professionals and businesses around best practices, use cases, latest data analytics trends and cutting edge technologies.


Q: CareerFairs are dime a dozen! Why @AnalyticsFair?

A: @AnalyticsFair template is a result of several interviews and research on what works for successful career fair centered and it is specially focused around data analytics. @AnalyticsFair has pivoted around 8th times and every run has resulted in success for the participants. Also, our new AI backend helps our participating businesses find top talent.

Q: AI.. Looks like everyone under the sun has been using this word.. What does it mean here?

A: Please refer to https://tao.ai, our core platform that connects top talent to top opportunities. @AnalyticsFair participating recruiter will get a TAO account and the recruiter would be able to interview/hire 1 candidate at no commission. This will get you introduced to our ground breaking AI driven bot. After using TAO.ai, hiring will never be the same again.

Q: Yeh.. Yeh... tell me about other braves who've participated and how they faired?

A: Our previous participants includes: Fortune 100 companies, Unicorn Startups and Trendy startups hiring top data analytics talent. More than 150 businesses(20+ fortune 100; 50+ fortune 500 and 80+ fortune 1000) have participated in the program. Our designed fair has resulted in 1.8 hires / participating company in the past.

Q: Ohh.. so many failed to see what I see, tell me how TAO works?

A: TAO is a skill-set centric, adaptive, auto-evaluation system that uses AI/Machine learning through Analytics.CLUB's global network to learn trends, understand talent gap, predict your next hire and provide targeted leads/recommendations/suggestions/prescription on next hires.

Q: How do you justify an investment in @AnalyticsFair? 

A: By signing up, you are not only getting booth on one of the world's first AI powered data analytics and development centered career fair, but also:

  • 100 job posts on hired.analytics.club,
  • 1 FREE TAO.AI suggested hiring,
  • Logo mention on website & collaterals
  • Opportunity by attending members to pitch their requirement and promoting the video via social outlets after the fair
  • 1 data.live/playbook data analytics leadership podcast request (to invite your senior leader/founder to sit with our founder on educational session and share it with our 130k global followers).

Q: What did you say about the history behind #AnalyticsFair?

A: The idea of #AnalyticsFair emerged as a need from @AnalyticsWeek's partner requests on fixing data analytics talent gap. @AnalyticsWeek worked with businesses, recruiting agencies, universities and talent experts to build a template that suits data analytics talent search. Out came a job fair that has successfully helped Boston and New York with data science job search. #AnalyticsFair has reported 1.8 hires per participated recruiting agency. #AnalyticsFair after 20+ iteration is comfortable in replicating its success and helping top data analytics and development jobs find top talent. #AnalyticsFair would not be powered with TAO.ai, Artificial Intelligence Driven Career Coach to help top talent discover top jobs. TAO would work with participating recruiter in finding targeted candidates that suits their open jobs.

Q: Hmm.. but.. my Boss may still be on the fence, what should I say?

A: The journey to something special starts with the first step. With the cost of less than 4 job posts on L'in,  you'll get a chance to meet 300 niche participants and a bundle of $15k of  free stuff. So, consider this event to be a brave deal that you get your business and supports a startup that could ultimately help you get to top talent faster. Support a system that helps your hire better; Support a small business; Plug into the next age of talent sourcing solution. Win-Win-Win-Win.. sure.. there is an extra win, but we would say why-not.. 

 *If you want to lead #AnalyticsFair in your city? Send us a note oninfo@analyticsweek.com*

Have questions about #AnalyticsFair: Data Analytics Career Fair Boston? Contact AnalyticsWEEK




