Marketing and maximising your social media and website - Ess

来源:商会自媒体发布者:1 发布日期:2016-12-20 16:01


活动时间:2017-02-16    09:00~12:00
活动地点:上海市普陀区The Old Central Library Victoria Ave Southend-on-Sea SS2 6EX United Kingdom 活动费用:收费活动



Marketing is often viewed as a cost, not as an investment!

Once you accept that it is indeed an investment it's about getting the right return on that investment!

This free business seminar will allow you to step back and think about the best ways to promote your business and achieve a return on your investment.

  • Do you know who your target markets are?

  • Do you know what your marketing initiatives cost and what you'll get back?

  • Do you have a marketing plan?

Marketing is easy to get wrong, waste money on and get frustrated with! But you can market your business very successfully on a low budget. Come along to this briefing and we'll show you ways of making sure your marketing works and help you to understand more about social media for business.

Attendees at this event will find out...…

  • How to plan your marketing

  • How to Market your business successfully on a low budget

  • How social media can be effective for business

Pro-actions Business Seminars are FREE but spaces are limited.




