International Congress of animal and plant genomics, 2016

来源:商会自媒体发布者:1 发布日期:2016-11-05 20:32


活动时间:2017-01-14 08:00  ~ 2017-01-18 18:00
活动地点:上海市普陀区San Diego 活动费用:收费活动


The PAG conference is a well-known international research of microbial genome plants, the top academic conference held in California, Santiago Town & Country Conference Center every year in mid January, each session is about more than 3000 experts and scholars from around the world to participate in. Experts gather together, report, research animals, plants, microorganisms, the latest research progress in the year of the genome, the contents of a wide range of in-depth. With the successive completion of a variety of biological genome sequencing, international plants and animals, microbial genomics research with each passing day, there are a series of new methods, new technology in the General Assembly on the first to show. By taking part in the PAG conference, we can learn the international advanced plant genomics research and the development trend of the latest agricultural biotechnology industry in time.

The PAG meeting will include 2000 abstracts, 135 exhibitions, 1200 posters and 140 branch shows, the latest research progress of scientists around the world will gather together on the model organism, livestock and poultry, aquatic organisms, crops, such as microbial genomes, content covered a wide range, is one of the international academic exchange platform to move the highest level of plant genome research.

Global science magazine (Scientific American Chinese Edition) by dynamic plant genome (PAG) conference organizing committee invited the conference as the Chinese organization, responsible for liaison work, Chinese regional meetings (invitations, visas, and post travel arrangements etc.), welcome Chinese representative groups in the form of participants.

Joint chairman of the Organizing Committee

President of the international society for animal and plant genomics conference, Heller Steven

Feuillet Catherine, Bayer Crop Sciences USA

Perry Gustafson J., University of Missouri, USA

Clements Dave, Johns Hopkins University, USA

P. Miksche Jerome, United States Department of Agriculture

Graham Moore, the John Innes Centre in the UK

R. Wessler Susan, University of California, USA

A. Wing Rod, University of Arizona, USA

Daniel Ciobanu, University of Nebraska USA

Kim Kwan-Suk, North University of Korea

Medrano Juan, University of California, USA

Zhou Huaijun, University of California, USA


Schedule Meeting

Stress analysis non biological stress of complex genomes abiotic complex genome analysis

The application of epigenetics applied Triticeae genomics animal in wheat genomics

Genomics soybean soybean genomics in aquaculture Aquaculture

Genomics non-seed banana genome plants banana non seed plant

Genomics forest ecological genomics tree forage feedstocks&turf, ecological trees, grass, raw materials and turf

Fruits/nuts fruit / nut legumes beans

Solanaceae tomato plant ornamentals ornamental plants

Functional genomics rice rice functional genomics tree crops subtropical&tropical subtropical / tropical woody plants

Sugar cane sequencing initiative pine genome reference sequence sequencing of sugarcane pine / Pineapple genome reference sequence

Grass genomics plant bio energy herb genomics transgene genetics bioenergy plant gene transgenic genetics

Bioinformatics bioinformatics cattle/sheep/goat/swine cattle / sheep / goat / pig

Poultry poultry genomics comparative comparative genomics

Genome initiative degraded (ICGI) international cotton genome project DNA and paleogenomics cotton degradation of DNA and ancient genomics

Development and application of and application of transgenic technology in agriculture development agricultural transgenic technology

Genomics fungal functional genomics genomics functional fungal genomics

Expression analysis genomics gene expression analysis of non-classical model animals gene non classical model of animal genomics

Of rice desease genomics genomics of tissue regeneration in plants and animals plant tissue regeneration genomics

Genetic diversity to advance food security harnessing the use of genetic diversity to promote food safety interactions host-microbe interaction between microorganisms and their hosts

Genetic diversity to advance food security harnessing the use of genetic diversity to promote food safety interactions host-microbe interaction between microorganisms and their hosts

And invasive plant weedy weed and invasive plant proteomics proteomics

Sequencing of complex genomes complex genome from genomics root sequencing

Genomics systems species formation genomics genomics speciation system genomics

Analysis of analysis and role of the microbiome the organellar genetics and its role in cell genetics

And animal genome paleogenomics plant animal and plant genome cytogenetics plant plant cell genetics

Molecular breeding of plant molecular breeding plant plant interactions with pests&pathogens plant and insect and pathogen

Cassava sorghum&millets maize oats barley barley cassava sorghum and millet corn oat




